plas·tic ˈplastik/' I began wondering - as we realized the inevitability of this project really happening - what is plastic anyway? This article references aspects of my research - the culmination and reduction of a ton of reading that went into quite a bit of detail about what seemed like a simple query! Here are the highlights: Beyond Belief ... Whether or not you realize it practically everything you use on a daily basis is entirely or partly made of plastic material. Besides the obvious use of 'single-use' products such as straws, cups, plastic bags, to-go containers, packaging that we use daily, add to this televisions, computers, cars and car parts, tires, house, refrigerator, and many other products that utilize plastic materials. This just scratches the surface as this does not even broach the topic of microplastics in our shampoos, soaps and even some of our food products. We will cover that in a later blogpost....