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Landscape and Horticulture Industry: Plastic Use

Image result for plastic concern greenhouse annuals
The horticulture industry uses plastics across all portions of its production and supply chain.
Agriculture:  Disposal of degrading plastic sheets is a continuing and increasing problem. Waterways and eventually oceans probably receive some of that waste.   From the early 1950s, plastic sheeting is used as mulches, tunnels and crop netting have become major parts of landscaping technologies.   
 In fresh-produce supply chains, plastic packaging is almost universal. It allows branding, unitized selling, chill-chain handling and modified-atmosphere marketing. This is convenience delivery for growers, simplified selling for supermarkets and easy purchasing for consumers.

Changing from manufacturing non-degradable plastics to convenient biodegradable sheeting requires investment in research and development. That R&D is outside horticulture’s remit.

Here's a short list of facts I'm researching today: 
History of plastics in the horticultural industry (greenhouses specifically): 


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